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Uniform Rules for Collections No. 522



1995 Revision in force as of January 1, 1996

1995年修訂 1996年1月1日生效

Leaflet Version, ICC No. 522LF

The ICC Uniform rules for collections were first published by the ICC in 1956. Revised versions were issued in 1967 and 1978. This present revision was adopted by the Council of the ICC in June 1995. It is issued with the title “ICC Uniform Rules for Collections’ as ICC Publication No 522. This English language gives the official text of the 1995 Revision.




ARTICLE 1  Application of URC 522

第一條 URC522的適用

a: The Uniform Rules for Collections, 1995 Revision, ICC Publication No 522, shall apply to all collections as defined in ARTICLE 2 where such rules are incorporated into the text of the ‘collection instruction’ referred to in ARTICLE 4 and are binding on all parties thereto unless otherwise expressly agreed or contrary to the provisions of a national, state or local law and/or regulation which cannot be departed from.

a. 《托收統(tǒng)一規(guī)則》(1995年修訂本)(國際商會第522號出版物)適用于本規(guī)則第二條所定義的所有托收,只要在“托收指示”(本規(guī)則第四條所提及)的文本中援引本規(guī)則。本規(guī)則的適用對所有當(dāng)事各方均有約束力,除非另有明確同意,或者與一個國家、州或地方的強行法律/或法規(guī)相矛盾。

b: Banks shall have no obligation to handle either a collection or any collection instruction or subsequent related instructions.

b. 對于任一項托收或者托收指示或者隨后的相關(guān)指示,銀行無辦理之義務(wù)。

c: If a bank elects, for any reason, not to handle a collection or any related instructions received by it, it must advise the party from whom it received the collection or the instructions by telecommunication or, if that is not possible, by other expeditious means, without delay:

c. 如果銀行由于任何原因選擇不予辦理其收到的托收或者相關(guān)指示,它必須毫不遲延地以電訊方式,或者,如不可能,則以其他快速方式通知向其發(fā)出托收或者指示的一方。

ARTICLE 2  Definition of Collection

第二條 托收的定義

For the purposes of these ARTICLES:


a: ‘Collection’ means the handling by banks of documents as defined in Sub-ARTICLE 2 b in accordance with instructions received, in order to:

a: “托收”系指銀行根據(jù)收到的指示處理第二條b款定義的單據(jù),以便:

1. obtain payment and/or acceptance


1. 獲得付款及/或承兌,或者

2. deliver documents against payment and /or against acceptance.



3. deliver documents on other terms and conditions.

3. 根據(jù)其他條款和條件交付單據(jù)。

b: ‘Documents’ means financial documents and/or commercial documents:

b: “單據(jù)”系指金融單據(jù)及/或商業(yè)單據(jù)

1. ‘Financial documents’ means bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques, or other similar instruments used for obtaining the payment of money.

1. “金融單據(jù)”系指匯票、本票、支票或者其他用于獲得付款的類似票據(jù)。

2. ‘Commercial documents’ means invoices, transport documents, documents of title or other similar documents, or any other documents whatsoever, not being financial documents.

2. “商業(yè)單據(jù)”系指發(fā)票、運輸單據(jù)、權(quán)利憑證或者其它類似單據(jù),或者非金融單據(jù)的其他任何單據(jù)。

c: ‘Clean Collection’ means collection of financial documents not accompanied by commercial documents.

c. “光票托收”系指未附商業(yè)單據(jù)的金融單據(jù)的托收。

d: ‘Documentary collection’ means collection of:


1. Financial documents accompanied by commercial documents.

1. 附有商業(yè)單據(jù)的金融單據(jù)的托收;

2. Commercial documents not accompanied by financial documents.

2. 未附金融單據(jù)的商業(yè)單據(jù)的托收。

ARTICLE 3  Parties to a Collection

第三條 托收的當(dāng)事方

a: For the purposes of these ARTICLES the ‘parties thereto’ are:

a: 就本規(guī)則而言,“有關(guān)當(dāng)事方”系指:

1. the ‘principal’ who is the party entrusting the handling of a collection to a bank;

1. “委托方”,即委托銀行辦理托收的一方;

2.the ‘remitting bank’ which is the bank to which the principal has entrusted the handling of a collection;

2. “托收行”,即受委托方委托辦理托收的銀行;

3. the ‘collecting bank’ which is any bank, other than the remitting bank, involved in processing the collection;

3. “代收行”,即除托收行之外的參與辦理托收的任何銀行;

4. the ‘presenting bank’ which is the collecting bank making presentation to the drawee.

4. “提示行”,即向付款人作出提示的代收行。

b: The ‘drawee’ is the one to whom presentation is to be made in accordance with the collection instruction.

b: “付款人”,系指根據(jù)托收指示被提示單據(jù)的人。


B. 托收的形式和結(jié)構(gòu)

ARTICLE 4  Collection Instruction

第四條 托收指示

a: 1. All documents sent for collection must be accompanied by a collection instruction indicating that the collection is subject to URC 522 and giving complete and precise instructions. Banks are only permitted to act upon the instructions given in such collection instruction, and in accordance with these Rules.

a: 1. 所有單據(jù)必須附有一項托收指示,表明本托收適用URC522,并給出完整和明確的指示。銀行只被允許根據(jù)托收指示及本規(guī)則行事。

2. Banks will not examine documents in order to obtain instructions.

2. 銀行不會通過審核單據(jù)來獲得指示。

3. Unless otherwise authorized in the collection instruction, banks will disregard any instructions from any party/bank other than the party/bank from whom they received the collection.

3. 除非托收指示中另有授權(quán),否則除交辦托收的一方的指示外,銀行對任何第三方的指示將不予理會。

b: A collection instruction should contain the following items of information as appropriate.

b: 托收指示應(yīng)包括下列內(nèi)容(如適當(dāng)?shù)脑挘?/P>

1. Details of the bank from which the collection was received including full name, postal and SWIFT addresses, telex, facsimile numbers and reference.

1. 交辦托收的銀行的詳細資料,包括完整的名稱、郵政地址和SWFT地址、電傳、電話、傳真號碼和業(yè)務(wù)參考號。

2. Details of the principal including full name, postal address, and if applicable telex, telephone and facsimile numbers.

2. 委托人的詳細資料,包括完整的名稱、郵政地址,以及如有的話,電傳、電話和傳真號碼。

3. Details of the drawee including full name, postal address, or the domicile at which presentation is to be made and if applicable telex, telephone and facsimile numbers.

3. 付款人的詳細資料,包括完整的名稱、郵政地址、或者提示的地點,以及,如有的話,電傳、電話和傳真號碼。

4. Details of the presenting bank, if any, including full name, postal address, and if applicable telex, telephone and facsimile numbers.

4. 如有提示行的話,提示行的詳細資料,包括完整的名稱、郵政地址,以及,如有的話,電傳、電話和傳真號碼。

5. Amount(s) and currency(ies) to be collected.

5. 托收的金額和幣種。

6. List of documents enclosed and the numerical count of each document.

6. 所附單據(jù)清單以及每種單據(jù)的份數(shù)。

7. a Terms and conditions upon which payment and/or acceptance is to be obtained.

7. a. 付款及/或承兌的條款和條件。

b Terms of delivery of documents against:

1)payment and/or acceptance

2) others terms and conditions

b. 單據(jù)的交付條件:



It is the responsibility of the party preparing the collection instruction to ensure that the terms for the delivery of documents are clearly and unambiguously stated, otherwise banks will not be responsible for any consequences arising therefrom.


8. Charges to be collected, indicating whether they may be waived or not.

8. 待收取的費用,并表明是否可以放棄。

9. Interest to be collected, if applicable, indicating whether it may be waived or not, including:

a: rate of interest

b: interest period

c: basis of calculation (for example 360 or 365 days in a year) as applicable

9. 待收取的利息(如有的話),并表明是否可以放棄,包括:




10. Method of payment and form of payment advice.

10. 付款的方法和付款通知的形式。

11. Instructions in case of non-payment, non-acceptance and/or non-compliance with other instructions.

11. 對于在不付款、不承兌及/或不遵從其他指示時如何處理的指示。

c: 1. Collection instructions should bear the complete address of the drawee or of the domicile at which the presentation is to be made. If the address is incomplete or incorrect, the collecting bank may, without any liability and responsibility on its part, endeavour to as certain the proper address.

C: 1. 托收指示應(yīng)當(dāng)載明付款人或提示地的完整地址。如果地址不完整或不正確,代收行可以試圖確定正確的地址,但對此不承擔(dān)任何義務(wù)和責(zé)任。

2. The collecting bank will not be liable or responsible for any ensuing delay as a result of an incomplete/incorrect address being provided.

2. 代收行對由于地址不完整/不正確而導(dǎo)致的任何延誤不承擔(dān)義務(wù)或責(zé)任。


C. 提示的形式

ARTICLE 5  Presentation

第五條 提示

a: For the purposes of these ARTICLES, presentation is the procedure whereby the presenting bank makes the documents available to the drawee as instructed.

a: 就本規(guī)則而言,提示系指提示行根據(jù)托收指示,使付款人獲得并可以使用單據(jù)的程序。

b: The collection instruction should state the exact period of time within which any action is to be taken by the drawee.

b: 托收指示應(yīng)當(dāng)表明要求付款人完成任何行為的確切期限。

Expressions such as ‘first’, ‘prompt’, ‘immediate’, and the like should not be used in connection with presentation or with reference to any period of time within which documents have to be taken up or for any other action that is to be taken by the drawee. If such terms are used banks will disregard them.


c: Documents are to be presented to the drawee in the form in which they are received, except that banks are authorized to affix any necessary stamps, at the expense of the party from whom they received the collection unless otherwise instructed, and to make any necessary endorsements or place any rubber stamps or other identifying marks or symbols customary to or required for the collection operation.


d: For the purpose of giving effect to the instructions of the principal, the remitting bank will utilize the bank nominated by the principal as the collecting bank. In the absence of such nomination, the remitting bank will utilize any bank of its own, or another bank’s choice in the country of payment or acceptance or in the country where other terms and conditions have to be complied with.

d. 為辦理委托人的指示,托收行將以委托人指定的銀行作為代收行。如無此規(guī)定,則托收行將使用它自己或另一銀行選擇的在支付國或承兌國或者其他托收條款履行地的銀行作為代收行。

e: The documents and collection instruction may be sent directly by the remitting bank to the collecting bank or through another bank as intermediary.

e: 單據(jù)及托收指示可以由托收行直接或者通過另外的中間銀行發(fā)送給代收行。

f: If the remitting bank does not nominate a specific presenting bank, the collecting bank may utilize a presenting of its choice.

f: 如果托收行未指定特定的提示行,則代收行可以自行選擇提示行。

ARTICLE 6  Sight/Acceptance

第六條 即期/承兌

In the case of documents payable at sight the presenting bank must make presentation for payment without delay. In the case of documents payable at a tenor other than sight the presenting bank must, where acceptance is called for, make presentation for acceptance without delay, and where payment is called for, make presentation for payment not later than the appropriate maturity date.


ARTICLE 7  Release of Commercial Documents

第七條 商業(yè)單據(jù)的交付

Documents Against Acceptance (D/A) vs. Documents Against Payment (D/P)


a: Collections should not contain bills of exchange payable at a future date with instructions that commercial documents are to be delivered against payment.

a: 指示商業(yè)單據(jù)在付款時交付的托收不應(yīng)包含遠期匯票。

b: If a collection contains a bill of exchange payable at a future date, the collection instruction should state whether the commercial documents are to be released to the drawee against acceptance(D/A) or against payment (D/P)

b: 如果托收包含遠期匯票,則托收指示應(yīng)聲明商業(yè)單據(jù)是憑承兌(D/A)還是憑付款(D/P)交付給付款人。

In the absence of such statement commercial documents will be released only against payment and the collecting bank will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of any delay in the delivery of documents.


c: If a collection contains a bill of exchange payable at a future date and the collection instruction indicates that commercial documents are to be released against payment, documents will be released only against such payment and the collecting bank will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of any delay in the delivery of documents.

c: 如果托收包含遠期匯票,托收指示聲明商業(yè)單據(jù)憑付款交付,則單據(jù)只能在獲得付款時交付,代收行對單據(jù)交付的遲延所引起的任何后果不承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任。

ARTICLE 8  Creation of Documents

第八條 單據(jù)的制作

Where the remitting bank instructs either the collecting bank or the drawee is to create documents (bill of exchange, promissory notes, trust receipts, letters of undertaking or other documents) that were not included in the collection, the form and wording of such documents shall be provided by the remitting bank, otherwise the collecting bank shall be not be liable or responsible for the form and wording of any such documents provided by the collecting bank and/or the drawee.



D. 責(zé)任和義務(wù)

ARTICLE 9  Good faith and Reasonable care

第九條 善意及合理的謹慎

Banks will act in good faith and exercise reasonable care.


ARTICLE 10  Documents vs. Goods/Services/Performances

第十條 單據(jù)與貨物/服務(wù)/履行

a: Goods should (not) be dispatched directly to the address of a bank or consigned to or to the order of a bank without prior agreement on the part of that bank.

a: 沒有銀行的預(yù)先同意,貨物不應(yīng)直接發(fā)往銀行的地址,或者以銀行為收貨人或者憑銀行指示。

Nevertheless, in the event that goods are dispatched directly to the address of a bank or consigned to or to the order of a bank for release to a drawee against payment or acceptance or upon other terms and conditions without prior agreement on the part of that bank, such bank shall have no obligation to take delivery of the goods, which remain at the risk and responsibility of the party dispatching the goods.


b: Banks have no obligation to take any action in respect of the goods to which a documentary collection relates, including storage and insurance of the goods even when specific instructions are given to do so. Banks will only take such action if, when, and to the extent that they agree to do so in each case. Notwithstanding the provision of Sub-ARTICLE 1 c this rule applies even in the absence of any specific advice to this effect by the collecting bank.

b: 對托收單據(jù)所涉及的貨物,銀行沒有義務(wù)采取任何行動,包括對貨物的存儲和保險,即使有明確的指示要求這樣做。只有當(dāng)銀行在一筆特定托收業(yè)務(wù)中特別同意的情況下,并在其所同意的范圍內(nèi),才會采取上述行動。本條規(guī)定即使在代收行未就此給予明確通知的情況下也仍然適用,盡管有第一條第c款的規(guī)定。

c: Nevertheless, in the case that banks take action for the protection of the goods, whether instructed or not, they assume no liability or responsibility with regard to the fate and/or conditions of the goods and/or for any acts and/or omissions on the part of any third parties entrusted with the custody and/or protection of the goods. However, the collection bank must advise without delay the bank from which the collection instruction was received of any such action taken.

c: 然而,如果銀行為保護貨物而采取行動,無論有無指示,銀行對貨物的下落及或狀況,及或受委托保管及或保護貨物的任何第三方的作為及或不作為不承擔(dān)責(zé)任。但是,代收行必須將其所采取的任何此類行動毫不遲延地通知向其發(fā)出托收指示的銀行。

d: Any charges and/or expenses incurred by banks in connection with any action taken to protect the goods will be for the account of the party from whom they received the collection.

d: 銀行為保護貨物而采取的行動所產(chǎn)生的任何手續(xù)費開支應(yīng)由向其交辦托收的一方承擔(dān)。

e: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-ARTICLE 10 a. where the goods are consigned to or to the order of the collecting bank and the drawee has honoured the collection by payment, acceptance or other terms and conditions and the collecting bank arranges for the release of the goods, remitting bank shall be deemed to have authorised the collecting bank to do so.

e: 1. 盡管有第十條第a款的規(guī)定,當(dāng)貨物已發(fā)給代收行或者憑代收行指示,且付款人已經(jīng)通過付款、承兌或者滿足其他條款和條件履行了托收項下義務(wù),從而代收行安排交付貨物時,應(yīng)視為托收行已授權(quán)代收行這樣做。

2. Where a collecting bank on the instructions of the remitting bank or in terms of Sub-ARTICLE 10 e (1.) above arranges for the release of the goods, the remitting bank shall indemnify such collecting bank for all damages and expenses incurred.

2. 當(dāng)代收行根據(jù)托收行的指示或者根據(jù)第十條第e款第1項的規(guī)定,安排交付貨物時,托收行應(yīng)當(dāng)對代收行因此所可能對外承擔(dān)的所有賠償金和開支負償付責(zé)任。

ARTICLE 11  Disclaimer For Acts of an Instructed Party

第十一條 對被指示方行為的免責(zé)

a: Banks utilising the services of another bank or other banks for the purpose of giving effect to the instructions of the principal, do so for the account and at the risk of such principal.

a: 銀行使用其他銀行的服務(wù)以及辦理委托人的指示,費用和風(fēng)險由委托人承擔(dān)。

b: Banks assume no liability or responsibility should the instructions they transmit not be carried out, even if they have themselves taken the initiative in the choice of such other bank(s).

b: 銀行對其所發(fā)出的指示未被執(zhí)行不承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任,即使是銀行自主選擇了這些銀行。

c. A party instructing another party to perform services shall be bound by and liable to indemnify the instructed party against all obligations and responsibilities imposed by foreign laws and usages.

c: 指示他方提供服務(wù)的一方,應(yīng)受外國法律或慣例加諸被指示方的義務(wù)的約束,并對被指示方因履行該義務(wù)所承擔(dān)的責(zé)任和費用負償付之責(zé)。

ARTICLE 12  Disclaimer on Documents Received

第十二條 對所收單據(jù)的免責(zé)

a: Banks must determine that the documents received appear to be as listed in the collection instruction and must advise by telecommunication or, if that is not possible, by other expeditious means, without delay, the party from whom the collection instruction was received of any documents missing, or found to be other than listed.

a: 銀行必須確定所收到的單據(jù)在表面上與托收指示中所列的相符。當(dāng)有單據(jù)短缺或者與托收指示所列不相符時,銀行必須以電訊方式,或者,如不可能,則以其他快速方式毫不遲延地通知向其發(fā)出托收指示的一方。

Banks have no further obligation in this respect.


b: If the documents do not appear to be listed, the remitting bank shall be precluded from disputing the type and number of documents received by the collecting bank.

b: 如果表面看來單據(jù)未在托收指示中列明,則托收行不得對代收行聲稱所收到的單據(jù)的種類和數(shù)量提出異議。

c: Subject to Sub-ARTICLE 5 c and Sub-ARTICLEs 12 a and 12 b above, banks will present documents as received without further examination.

c: 除按前術(shù)第五條c款、第十二條a款和第十二條b款處理單據(jù)外,銀行將按收到的單據(jù)進行提示而不作進一步審查。

ARTICLE 13  Disclaimer on Effectiveness of Documents

第十三條 對單據(jù)有效性的免責(zé)

Banks assume no liability or responsibility for the form, sufficiency, accuracy, genuineness, falsification or legal effect of any document(s), or for the general and/or particular conditions stipulated in the document(s) or superimposed thereon; not do they assume any liability or responsibility for the description quantity; weight, quality, conditions, packing, delivery, value or existence of the goods represented by any document(s), or for the good faith or acts and/or omissions, solvency, performance or standing of the consignors, the carriers, the forwarders, the consignees or the insurers of the goods, or any other person whomsoever.


ARTICLE 14  Disclaimer on Delays, Loss in Transit and Translation

第十四條 對翻譯以及傳遞中的延誤、遺失的免責(zé)

a: Banks assume no liability or responsibility for the consequences arising out of delay and/or loss in transit of any message(s), letter(s) or document(s), or for delay, mutilation or other error(s) arising in transmission of any telecommunication or for error(s) in translation and/or interpretation of technical terms.

a: 對任何訊息、信件或者單據(jù)在傳遞中因延誤及/或遺失所引起的后果,或者任何在電訊傳遞過程中所發(fā)生的延誤、毀損或其他錯誤,或者對技術(shù)術(shù)語的翻譯及/或解釋中的錯誤,銀行不承擔(dān)責(zé)任。

b: Banks will not be liable or responsible for any delays resulting from the need to obtain clarification of any instructions received.

b: 對因為澄清所收到的指示而導(dǎo)致的任何延誤,銀行不承擔(dān)責(zé)任。

ARTICLE 15  Force Majeure

第十五條 不可抗力

Banks assume no liability or responsibility for consequences arising out of the interruption of their business by Acts of God, riots, civil commotions, insurrections, wars, or any other causes beyond their control or by strikes or lockouts.



E. 付款

ARTICLE 16  Payment Without Delay

第十六條 毫不遲延地付款

a: Amounts collected (less charges and/or disbursements and/or expenses where applicable) must be made available without delay to the party from whom the collection instruction was received in accordance with the terms and conditions of the collection instruction.

a: 收妥的款項(扣除手續(xù)費及/或開支,如有的話)必須按照托收指示的條款和條件毫不遲延地支付給向其發(fā)出托收指示的一方。

b. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-ARTICLEs 1 c and unless otherwise agreed, the collecting bank will effect payment of the amount collected in favour of the remitting bank only.

b. 盡管有第一條c款的規(guī)定,除非另有約定,代收行僅將收妥之款項支付給托收行。

ARTICLE 17  Payment in Local Currency

第十七條 以本國貨幣支付

In the case of documents payable in the currency of the country of payment (local currency), the presenting bank must, unless otherwise instructed in the collection instruction release the documents to the drawee against payment in local currency only if such currency is immediately available for disposal in the manner specified in the collection instruction.


ARTICLE 18  Payment in Foreign Currency

第十八條 以外國貨幣支付

In the case of documents payable in the currency other than that of the country of payment (foreign currency), the presenting bank must, unless otherwise instructed in the collection instruction, release the documents to the drawee against payment in the designated foreign currency only if such foreign currency can immediately be remitted in accordance with the instructions given in the collection instruction.


ARTICLE 19  Partial Payments

第十九條 部分支付

a: In respect of clear collections, partial payments may be accepted if and to the extent to which and on the conditions on which partial payments are authorized by the law in force in the place of payment. The financial document(s) will be released to the drawee only when full payment thereof has been received.

a: 在光票托收時,在付款地的有效法律允許的情況下,在其允許的條件和限度內(nèi),可以接受部分支付。金融單據(jù)僅在全部款項已經(jīng)收妥的情形下方可交付給付款人。

b: In respect of documentary collections, partial payments will only be accepted if specifically authorized in the collection instruction. However, unless otherwise instructed, the presenting bank will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of any delay in the delivery of the documents.

b: 在跟單托收時,只有在托收指示專門授權(quán)時才接受部分付款。但是,除非另有指示,提示行僅在全部分款項收妥后才向付款人交付單據(jù)。提示行不對任何交付單據(jù)的遲延所導(dǎo)致的后果負責(zé)。

c: In all cases partial payments will be accepted only subject to compliance with the provisions of either ARTICLE 17 or ARTICLE 18 as appropriate.

c: 在任何情況下,部分支付只有在符合第十七條或者第十八條的規(guī)定(根據(jù)不同情況)時,方可被接受。

Partial payment, if accepted, will be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE 16.



F. 利息、手續(xù)費和開支

ARTICLE 20  Interest

第二十條 利息

a: If the collection instruction specifies that interest is to be collected and the drawee refuses to pay such interest, the presenting bank may deliver the document(s) against payment or acceptance or on other terms and conditions as the case may be, without collecting such interest, unless Sub-ARTICLE 20 c applies.

a: 如果托收指示規(guī)定應(yīng)收取利息,而付款人拒絕支付利息,提示行可以憑付款或承兌或其他條款和條件交付單據(jù),而不再收取利息,除非第二十條c款適用。

b: Where such interest is to be collected, the collection instruction must specify the rate of interest, interest period and basis of calculation.

b: 當(dāng)要求收取利息時,托收指示必須明確說明利率、計息期及計息基礎(chǔ)。

c: Where the collection instruction expressly states that interest may not be waived and the drawee refuses to pay such interest the presenting bank will not deliver documents and will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of any delay in the delivery of document(s). When payment of interest has been refused, the presenting bank must inform by telecommunication or, if that is not possible, by other expeditious means without delay the bank from which the collection instruction was received.

c: 當(dāng)托收指示明確規(guī)定利息不得放棄而付款人拒絕支付時,提示行將不交付單據(jù),而且對單據(jù)交付遲延所產(chǎn)生的任何后果不負責(zé)任。當(dāng)利息被拒絕支付時,提示行必須以電訊方式,或者,如不可能,則以其他快速方式毫不遲延地通知向其發(fā)出托收指示的銀行。

ARTICLE 21  Charges and Expenses

第二十一條 手續(xù)費和開支

a: If the collection instruction specifies that collection charges and/or expenses are to be for account of the drawee and the drawee refuses to pay them, the presenting bank may deliver the document(s) against payment or acceptance or on other terms and conditions as the case may be, without collecting charges and/or expenses, unless Sub-ARTICLE 21 b applies.

a: 如果托收指示規(guī)定托收的手續(xù)費及/或開支應(yīng)由付款人負擔(dān)而付款人拒絕支付,提示行可以憑付款或承兌或其他條款和條件交付單據(jù),而不再收取托收手續(xù)費及/或開支,除非第二十一條b款適用。

Whenever collection charges and/or expense are so waived they will be for the account of the party from whom the collection was received and may be deducted from the proceeds.


b: Where the collection instruction expressly states that charges and/or expenses may not be waived and the drawee refuses to pay such charges and/or expenses, the presenting bank will not deliver documents and will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of any delay in the delivery of the document(s). When payment of collection charges and/or expenses has been refused the presenting bank must inform by telecommunication or, if that is not possible, by other expeditious means without delay the bank from whom the collection instruction was received.

b: 當(dāng)托收指示明確規(guī)定手續(xù)費及/或開支不得放棄而付款人拒絕支付時,提示行將不交付單據(jù),而且對單據(jù)交付的延誤所產(chǎn)生的任何后果不負責(zé)任。當(dāng)手續(xù)費及/或開支被拒絕支付時,提示行必須以電訊方式,或者,如不可能,則以其他快速方式毫不遲延地通知向其發(fā)出托收指示的銀行。

c: In all cases where in the express terms of a collection instruction or under these Rules, disbursement and/or expenses and/or collection charges are to be borne by the principal, the collecting bank(s) shall be entitled to recover promptly outlays in respect of disbursements, expenses and charges from the bank from which the collection instruction was received, and the remitting bank shall be entitled to recover promptly from the principal any amount so paid out by it, together with its own disbursements, expenses and charges, regardless of the fate of the collection.

c: 在所有情況下,當(dāng)托收指示有明確條款或者根據(jù)本規(guī)則之規(guī)定,支出及/或托收手續(xù)費應(yīng)由委托人承擔(dān)時,代收行有權(quán)從向其發(fā)出托收指示的銀行迅速收回支付的有關(guān)支出、開支和手續(xù)費,托收行有權(quán)從委托人處迅速收回其支付的上述款項,以及其自己的支出、開支和手續(xù)費,而不論托收的結(jié)果如何。

d: Banks reserve the right to demand payment of charges and/or expenses in advance from the party from whom the collection instruction was received, to cover costs in attempting to carry out any instructions, and pending receipt of such payment, also reserve the right not to carry out such instructions.

d: 銀行保留要求向其發(fā)出托收指示的一方預(yù)付手續(xù)費及/或開支以作為試圖執(zhí)行該托收指示的經(jīng)費的權(quán)利,并且在沒有獲得上述款項時,保留不執(zhí)行此類指示的權(quán)利。


G. 其他規(guī)定

ARTICLE 22  Acceptance

第二十二條 承兌

The presenting bank is responsible for seeing that the form of the acceptance of a bill of exchange appears to be complete and correct, but is not responsible for the genuineness of any signature or for the authority of any signatory to sign the acceptance.


ARTICLE 23  Promissory Notes and Other Instruments

第二十三 本票和其他票據(jù)

The presenting bank is not responsible for the genuineness of any signature or for the authority of any signatory to sign a promissory notes, receipt, or other instruments.


ARTICLE 24  Protest

第二十四條 拒絕證明

The collection instruction should give specific instructions regarding protest (or other legal process in lieu thereof), in the event of non-payment or non-acceptance.


In the absence of such specific instructions, the banks concerned with the collection have no obligation to have the document(s) protested (or subject to other legal process in lieu thereof) for non-payment or non-acceptance.


Any charges and/or expenses incurred by banks in connection with such protest, or other legal process, will be for the account of the party from whom the collection instruction was received.


ARTICLE 25  Case-of-Need

第二十五條 需要時的代理人

If the principal nominates a representative to act as case-of-need in the event of non-payment and/or non-acceptance the collection instruction should clearly and fully indicate the powers of such case-of-need. In the absence of such indication banks will not accept any instructions from the case-of-need.


ARTICLE 26  Advises

第二十六條 通知

Collecting banks are to advise fate in accordance with the following rules:


a: Form of Advice

All advises or information from the collecting bank to the bank from which the collection instruction was received, must bear appropriate details including, in all cases, the latter bank’s reference as stated in the collection instruction.

a: 通知的形式


b: Method of Advice

It shall be the responsibility of the remitting bank to instruct the collecting bank regarding the method by which the advises detailed in c (1.), c (2.) and c (3.) are to be given. In the absence of such instructions, the collecting bank will send the relative advises by the method of its choice at the expense of the bank from which the collection instruction was received.

b: 通知的方法


c: 1. Advice of Payment

The collecting bank must send without delay advice of payment to the bank from which the collection instruction was received, detailing the amount or amounts collected charges and/or disbursements and/or expenses deducted, where appropriate, and method of disposal of the funds.

c: 1. 付款通知


2. Advice of Acceptance

The collecting bank must send without delay advice of acceptance to the bank from which the collection instruction was received.

2. 承兌通知


3. Advice of Non-payment and/or Non-Acceptance

3. 拒絕付款及/或拒絕承兌的通知

The presenting bank should endeavour to ascertain the reasons for non-payment and/or non-acceptance and advise accordingly, without delay, the bank from which it received the collection instruction.


The presenting bank must send without delay advice of non-payment and/or advice of non-acceptance to the bank from which it received the collection instruction.


On receipt of such advice the remitting bank must give appropriate instruction as to the further handling of the documents. If such instructions are not received by the presenting bank within 60 days after its advice of non-payment and/or non-acceptance, the documents may be returned to the bank from which the collection instruction was received without any further responsibility on the party of the presenting bank.



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