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 案件  case
  案件發(fā)回  remand/rimit a case (to a low court)
  案件名稱  title of a case
  案卷材料  materials in the case
  案情陳述書  statement of case
  案外人  person other than involved in the case
  案值  total value involved in the case
  敗訴方  losing party
  辦案人員  personnel handling a case
  保全措施申請書  application for protective measures
  報(bào)案  report a case (to security authorities)
  被告  defendant; the accused
  被告人最后陳述  final statement of the accused
  被告向原告第二次答辯  rejoinder
  被害人  victim
  被害人的訴訟代理人  victim's agent ad litem
  被上訴人  respondent; the appellee
  被申請人  respondent
  被申請執(zhí)行人  party against whom execution is filed
  被執(zhí)行人  person subject to enforcement
  本訴  principal action
  必要共同訴訟人  party in necessary co-litigation
  變通管轄  jurisdiction by accord
  辯護(hù)  defense
  辯護(hù)律師  defense attorney/lawyer
  辯護(hù)人  defender
  辯護(hù)證據(jù)  exculpatory evidence; defense evidence
  辯論階段  stage of court debate
  駁回反訴  dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim
  駁回請求  deny/dismiss a motion
  駁回上訴、維持原判  reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judgement/ruling
  駁回訴訟  dismiss an action/suit
  駁回通知書  notice of dismissal
  駁回自訴  dismiss/reject a private prosecution
  駁回自訴裁定書  ruling of dismissing private-prosecuting case
  補(bǔ)充答辯  supplementary answer
  補(bǔ)充判決  supplementary judgement
  補(bǔ)充偵查  supplementary investigation
  不公開審理  trial in camera
  不立案決定書  written decision of no case-filing
  不批準(zhǔn)逮捕決定書  written decision of disapproving an arrest
  不起訴  nol pros
  不予受理起訴通知書  notice of dismissal of accusation by the court
  財(cái)產(chǎn)保全申請書  application for attachment; application for property preservation
  裁定  order; determination (指最終裁定)
  裁定管轄  jurisdiction by order
  裁定書  order; ruling
  裁決書  award
  采信的證據(jù)  admitted evidence
  查封  seal up
  撤回上訴  withdraw appeal
  撤訴  withdraw a lawsuit
  撤銷立案  revoke a case placed on file
  撤銷原判,發(fā)回重審 rescind the original judgement and remand the case ro the original court for retrial
  出示的證據(jù)  exhibit
  除權(quán)判決  invalidating judgement (for negotiable instruments)
  傳喚  summon; call
  傳聞證據(jù)  hearsay
  答辯  answer; reply
  答辯陳述書  statement of defence
  答辯狀  answer; reply
  大法官  associate justices; justice
  大檢察官  deputy chief procurator
  代理控告  agency for accusation
  代理申訴  agency for appeal
  代理審判員  acting judge
  代為申請取保候?qū)?nbsp; agency for application of the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving
  彈劾式訴訟  accusatory procedure
  當(dāng)事人陳述  statement of the parties
  當(dāng)庭宣判  pronouncement of judgement or sentence in court
  地區(qū)管轄  territorial jurisdiction
  地區(qū)檢察分院  inter-mediate People's Procuratorate
  第三人  third party
  調(diào)查筆錄  record of investigation
  定期宣判 pronouncement of judgement or sentence later on a fixed date
  定罪證據(jù)  incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence
  凍結(jié)  freeze
  督促程序  procedure of supervision and urge
  獨(dú)任庭  sole-judge bench
  獨(dú)任仲裁員  sole arbitrator
  對妨礙民事訴訟的強(qiáng)制措施  compulsory measures against impairment of civil action
  對席判決  judgement inter parties
  二審  trial of second instance
  二審案件  case of trial of second insurance
  罰款  impose a fine
  法定證據(jù)  statutory legal evidence
  法定證據(jù)制度  system of legal evidence
  法官  judges
  法警  bailiff; court police
  法律文書  legal instruments/papers
  法律援助  legal aid
  法律咨詢  legal consulting
  法庭辯論  court debate
  法庭調(diào)查  court investigation
  法庭審理筆錄  court record
  法庭審理方式  mode of court trial
  法庭庭長  chief judge of a tribunal
  法院  court
  法院公告  court announcement
  反訴  counterclaim
  反訴答辯狀  answer with counterclaim
  反訴狀  counterclaim
  犯罪嫌疑人  criminal suspect
  附帶民事訴訟案件  a collateral civil action
  附帶民事訴訟被告  defendant of collateral civil action
  復(fù)查  reexamination; recheck
  復(fù)驗(yàn)  reinspect
  高級法官  senior judge
  高級檢察官  senior procurator
  高級人民法院  Higher People's Court
  告訴案件  case of complaint
  告訴才處理的案件  case accepted at complaint
  告訴申訴庭  complaint and petition division
  工讀學(xué)校  work-study school for delinquent children
  公安部  Ministry of Public Security
  公安分局  public security sub-bureau
  公安廳  public security bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government
  公開審理  trial in public
  公開審判制度  open trial system
  公示催告程序  procedure of public summons for exhortation
  公訴案件  public-prosecuting case
  公訴詞  statement of public prosecution
  公證機(jī)關(guān)  public notary office
  共同管轄  concurrent jurisdiction
  管轄  jurisdiction
  國際司法協(xié)助  international judicial assistance
  海事法院  maritime court
  合議庭  collegial panel
  合議庭評議筆錄  record of deliberating by the collegiate bench
  和解  composition; compromise
  核對訴訟當(dāng)事人身份  check identity of litigious parties
  恢復(fù)執(zhí)行  resumption of execution
  回避  withdrawal
  混合式訴訟  mixed action
  基層人民法院  basic People's Court
  羈押期限  term in custody
  級別管轄  subject matter jurisdiction of courts at different levels
  監(jiān)視居住  living at home under surveillance
  監(jiān)獄  prison
  檢察官  procurator
  檢察權(quán)  prosecutorial power
  檢察委員會(huì)  procuratorial/prosecutorial committee
  檢察院  procuratorate
  檢察院派出機(jī)構(gòu)  outpost tribunal of procuratorate
  簡易程序  summary procedure
  鑒定結(jié)論  expert conclusion
  經(jīng)濟(jì)審判庭  economic tribunal
  徑行判決  direct adjudication without sessions; judgement without notice
  糾問式訴訟  inquisitional proceedings
  拘傳  summon by force; summon by warrant
  拘留所  detention house
  舉報(bào)  information/report of an offence
  舉證責(zé)任  burden of proof; onus probandi
  決定書  decision
  軍事法院  military procuratorate
  開庭審理  open a court session
  開庭通知  notice of court session
  勘驗(yàn)筆錄  record of inquest
  看守所  detention house
  可執(zhí)行財(cái)產(chǎn)  executable property
  控告式訴訟  accusatory proceedings
  控訴證據(jù)  incriminating evidence
  控訴職能  accusation function
  扣押  distrain on; attachment
  扣押物  distress/distraint
  寬限期  period of grace
  勞動(dòng)爭議仲裁申請書  petition for labor dispute arbitration
  勞改場  reform-through-labor farm
  勞教所  reeducation-through-labor office
  類推判決的核準(zhǔn)程序  procedure for examination and approval of analogical sentence
  累積證據(jù)  cumulative evidence
  立案報(bào)告  place a case on file
  立案管轄  functional jurisdiction
  立案決定書  written decision of case-filing
  立案偵查  report of placing a case on file
  利害關(guān)系人  interested party
  臨時(shí)裁決書  interim award
  律師見證書  lawyer's written attestation; lawyer's written authentication
  律師事務(wù)所  law office; law firm
  律師提前介入  prior intervention by lawyer
  免于刑事處分  exemption from criminal penalty
  民事案件  civil case
  民事審判庭  civil tribunal
  民事訴訟  civil action
  民事訴訟法  Civil Procedural Law
  扭送  seize and deliver a suspect to the police
  派出法庭  detached tribunal
  派出所  police station
  判決  judgement; determination
  判決書  judgement; determination; verdict (指陪審團(tuán)作出的)
  旁證  circumstantial evidence
  陪審員  juror
  批準(zhǔn)逮捕  approval of arrest
  破案  clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case
  破產(chǎn)  bankruptcy; insolvency
  普通程序  general/ordinary procedure
  普通管轄  general jurisdiction
  企業(yè)法人破產(chǎn)還債程序  procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business corporation
  起訴  filing of a lawsuit
  起訴  sue; litigate; prosecute; institution of proceedings
  起訴狀  indictment; information
  區(qū)縣檢察院  grassroots People's Procuratorate
  取保候?qū)?nbsp; the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving
  缺席判決  default judgement
  人民調(diào)解委員會(huì)  People's Mediation Committee
  認(rèn)定財(cái)產(chǎn)無主案件  cases concerning determination of property as qwnerless
  認(rèn)定公民無民事行為能力、限制民事行為能力案件cases concerning determination of a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity
  上訴  appeal
  上訴人  appellant
  上訴狀  petition for appeal
  少管所  juvenile prison
  社會(huì)治安綜合治理  comprehensive treatment of social security
  涉外案件  cases involving foreign interests
  涉外民事訴訟  foreign civil proceedings
  涉外刑事訴訟  foreign criminal proceedings
  申請人  applicant; petitioner
  申請書  petition; application for arbitration
  申請執(zhí)行人  execution applicant
  申訴人宣誓書  claimant's affidavit of authenticity
  申訴書  appeal for revision; petition for revision
  神示證據(jù)制度  system of divinity evidence
  神示制度  ordeal system
  審查案件  case review
  審查并決定逮捕  examine and decide arrest
  審查起訴階段  stage of review and prosecution
  審理通知書  notice of hearing
  審判長  presiding judge
  審判長宣布開庭  presiding judge announce court in session
  審判管轄  adjudgement/trial jurisdiction
  審判監(jiān)督程序  procedure for trial supervision
  審判委員會(huì)  judicial committee
  審判員  judge
  審問式訴訟  inquisitional proceedings
  生效判決裁定  legally effective judgement/order
  勝訴方  winning party
  省市自治區(qū)檢察院  higher People's Procuratorate
  失蹤和死亡宣告  declaration of disappearance and death
  實(shí)(質(zhì))體證據(jù)  substantial evidence
  實(shí)物證據(jù)  tangible evidence
  實(shí)在證據(jù)  real evidence
  示意證據(jù)  demonstrative evidence
  視聽證據(jù)  audio-visual evidence
  收容所  collecting post; safe retreat
  首席大法官  chief justice
  首席檢察官  chief procurator
  受害人的近親屬  victim's immediate family
  受理  acceptance
  受理刑事案件審批表  registration form of acceptance of criminal case
  受送達(dá)人  the addressee
  書記員  court clerk
  書記員宣讀法庭紀(jì)律  court clerk reads court rules
  書證  documentary evidence
  司法部  Ministry of Justice
  司法機(jī)關(guān)  judicial organizatons
  司法警察  judicial police
  司法局  judicial bureau
  司法廳  judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions, and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government
  司法協(xié)助  judicial assistance
  死緩的復(fù)核  judicial review of death sentence with a retrieve
  死刑復(fù)核程序  procedure for judicial review of death sentence
  死刑復(fù)核權(quán)  competence for judicial review of death sentence
  送達(dá)  service of process
  送達(dá)傳票  service of summons/subpoena
  送達(dá)訴狀  service of bill of complaint
  搜查  search
  訴  sue; suit; action; lawsuit
  訴前財(cái)產(chǎn)保全  property attachment prior to lawsuit
  訴訟  litigation; lawsuit; sue; action
  訴訟保全  attachment
  訴訟參加人  litigious participants
  訴訟代理人  agent ad litem
  訴狀  complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim
  特別程序  special procedures
  提起公訴  institute a public prosecution
  鐵路法院  railway court
  鐵路檢察院  railroad transport procuratorate
  庭審程序  procedure of court trial
  通緝  wanted for arrest
  投案  appearance
  退回補(bǔ)充偵查  return of a case for supplementary investigation
  委托辯護(hù)  entrusted defense
  未成年人法庭  juvenile court
  無行政職務(wù)的法官  associate judge
  無正當(dāng)理由拒不到庭  refuse to appear in court without due cause
  無罪判決  acquittal, finding of “ not guilty ”
  物證  material evidence
  先予執(zhí)行申請書  application for advanced execution
  先予執(zhí)行  advanced execution
  刑事案件  criminal case
  刑事拘留  criminal detention
  刑事強(qiáng)制拘留  criminal coercive/compulsory measures
  刑事審判庭  criminal tribunal
  刑事訴訟  criminal proceedings
  刑事訴訟法  Criminal Procedural Law
  刑事自訴狀  self-incriminating criminal complaint
  行政案件  administrative case
  行政審判庭  administrative tribunal
  行政訴訟  administrative proceedings
  行政訴訟法  Administrative Procedural Law
  宣告失蹤、宣告死亡案件  cases concerning the declaration of disappearance and death
  宣判筆錄  record of rendition of judgement
  選民資格案件  cases concerning qualifications of voters
  詢問證人  inquire/question a witness
  訓(xùn)誡  reprimand
  訊問筆錄  record of interrogation
  詢問犯罪嫌疑人  interrogate criminal suspect
  言詞證據(jù)  verbal evidence
  要求傳喚證人申請書  application for subpoena
  一裁終局  arbitration award shall be final and binding
  一審  trial of first instance
  一審案件  case of trial of first instance
  應(yīng)訴通知書  notice of respondence to action
  有罪判決  sentence; finding of “guilty”
  予審  preliminary examinantion; pretrial
  原告  plaintiff
  院長  court president
  閱卷筆錄  record of file review (by lawyers)
  再審案件  case of retrial
  再審申請書  petition for retrial
  責(zé)令具結(jié)悔過  order to sign a statement of repentance
  債權(quán)人會(huì)議  creditors' meeting
  偵查階段  investigation stage
  偵查終結(jié)  conclusion of investigation
  征詢原、被告最后意見  consulting final opinion of the plaintiff and defendant
  證據(jù)  evidence
  證據(jù)保全  preserve evidence
  證據(jù)保全申請書  application for evidence preservation
  證人證言  testimony of witness; affidavit
  支付令  payment order/warrant
  知識產(chǎn)權(quán)庭  intellectual property tribunal
  執(zhí)行程序  procedure execution
  執(zhí)行逮捕  execution of arrest
  執(zhí)行和解  conciliation of execution
  執(zhí)行回轉(zhuǎn)  recovery of execution
  執(zhí)行庭  executive tribunal
  執(zhí)行異議  objection to execution
  執(zhí)行員  executor
  執(zhí)行中止  discontinuance of execution
  執(zhí)行終結(jié)  conclusion of execution
  指定辯護(hù)  appointed defense
  指定仲裁員聲明  statement of appointing arbitrator
  中級人民法院  intermediate People's Court
  中途退庭  retreat during court session without permission
  仲裁  arbitration
  仲裁被訴人  respondent; defendant
  仲裁裁決  award
  仲裁申請書  arbitration
  仲裁申訴人  claimant; plaintiff
  仲裁庭  arbitration tribunal
  仲裁委員會(huì)  arbitration committee
  仲裁協(xié)議  arbitration agreement; clauses of arbitration
  仲裁員  arbitrator
  主訴檢察官  principal procurator
  助理檢察官  assistant procurator
  助理審判員  assistant judge
  專門法院  special court
  專門管轄  specific jurisdiction
  專屬管轄  exclusive jurisdiction
  追究刑事責(zé)任  investigate for criminal responsibility
  自首  confession to justice
  自訴案件  private-prosecuting case
  自行辯護(hù)  self-defense
  自由心證制度  doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence
  自偵案件  self-investigating case
  最高人民法院  the Supreme People's Court
  最高人民檢察院  the Supreme People's Procuratorate
  最后裁決書  final award


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